What to Expect: Neuropsychological Assessment Process

Step One

Intake with Dr. Dudzek

Meeting with Dr. Dudzek is the first step. She will talk to you about your history, what you've been experiencing and what you hope this evaluation can help you with. She will use this information to decide what testing will be right for you.

Step Two


Immediately after meeting with Dr. Dudzek you will schedule testing appointments at our front desk. Have your calendar ready.

Step Three

Complete and Return Inventories

If you have been assigned inventories, it is very important you complete them and return them as quickly as possible. Most will be sent to your email. It can be difficult to sit down and get started, but remember, they will need to be completed one week before testing appointments or testing will be canceled.

Step Four

Psychometric testing

It's time to do your testing! Your technician Megan will meet with you in person to complete the tests requested by Dr. Dudzek. This generally requires a few hours a day for 2 or 3 days. It is important that children are tested in the morning, before school. Everyone is encouraged to test alone without parents or companions in the room to get optimum real-world results.

Step Five

Analysis, Feedback-Report/Getting your results

Now that you've completed all the hard work, your technician will spend time processing, compiling, and sorting your data. Then Dr. Dudzek will carefully analyze it and schedule an appointment to give you feedback about her findings. Later, you will be sent a report in the mail detailing those results.